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(Excerpts of translations from Three-Character Classical Rhyme——To my net friends)

“Love makes the world go round.
Good health is above wealth.”  
网友一句留言竟引起另一位远在美国的网友之关注,昨天一早就从美国打来长途电话问候! 什么是幸福?除我在前面译的那首《幸福生活的品质》一诗中所说那种人的生活是幸福以外,我觉得有人想到你、关心你也是一种幸福,它甚至胜过物质生活给你带来的幸福感!因为我相信,这种想念和关心是无私的,真心的!人是需要精神食粮的,所以我珍惜它!我最珍惜一个“真”字!
养不教,     It is the father who is at fault
父之过。     If his son lacks schooling of some sort.
教不严,     Strict with his pupils a tutor should be
师之惰。     Or being lazy the sense of duty lacks he.
子不学,     It's certainly no good at all for a child
非所宜。     To hate to learn but act as much too wild.
幼不学,     If you do not learn at life's early stage,
老何为!     What shall you expect when you reach old age!
玉不琢,     A jade-stone, uncarved, unpolished with care,
不成器,     Can't turn itself into fine jadeware.
人不学,     A man refusing to learn will likewise
不知义。     Be ignorant of hows and whys.

 青春就应该这样绽放  游戏测试:三国时期谁是你最好的兄弟!!  你不得不信的星座秘密

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